【100sites #004】Firework

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Firework - 享受臺北 101 的跨年煙火吧


Live Demo

螢幕快照 2016-02-15 上午12.08.44.png

我一直在尋找製作前端動畫的框架,今天我終於找到了:Processing.js。它是Processing的 js 版本,可以讓你建構各種視覺藝術(visual arts)專案。

於是我用它來完成了今天的 100sites 專案:Firework,簡單的煙火動畫。

下面是今天的 code:

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Fireworks 101</title> <script src="http://cdn.bootcss.com/processing.js/1.4.16/processing.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1>Enjoy the fireworks!</h1> <canvas data-processing-sources="firework.pde"></canvas> </body> </html>
int time = 0; ArrayList fireworks = new ArrayList(); void setup() { size(600, 600); frameRate(30); smooth(); noStroke(); loop(); } void draw() { background(0); if(int(random(4)) == 0){ add_firework(50+int(random(500)), 50+int(random(350))); } display_firework(); draw_taipei101(); removeOldFirework(); } void mousePressed() { add_firework(mouseX, mouseY); } void display_firework() { for(int i = 0; i < fireworks.size(); ++i){ fireworks.get(i).display(); } } void removeOldFirework() { for(int i = 0; i < fireworks.size(); ++i) { if(fireworks.get(i).passingTime > 20) { fireworks.remove(i); } } } void add_firework(int x, int y) { fireworks.add(new Firework(x, y)); } void draw_taipei101() { fill(100); quad(270, 560, 330, 560, 320, 600, 280, 600); quad(270, 520, 330, 520, 320, 560, 280, 560); quad(270, 480, 330, 480, 320, 520, 280, 520); quad(270, 440, 330, 440, 320, 480, 280, 480); rect(295, 410, 10, 30); rect(299, 390, 2, 20); } class Firework { int x; int y; int directions; int passingTime; int colorR; int colorG; int colorB; Firework(int myX, int myY) { x = myX; y = myY; directions = 6+int(random(16)); colorR = 100+int(random(155)); colorG = 100+int(random(155)); colorB = 100+int(random(155)); passingTime = 0; } void display() { fill(colorR, colorG, colorB); for(int i = 0; i < directions; ++i) { ellipse(x+4*passingTime*sin(TWO_PI*i/directions), y+4*passingTime*cos(TWO_PI*i/directions), 7, 7); } ++passingTime; } }