圖片效能最佳化,使用 Next.js Image、plaiceholder、客製 MDX 元件 - Modern Next.js Blog 系列 #22
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網站效能瓶頸通常是圖片讀取速度太慢。為了提升讀者體驗、和 SEO 分數,這一篇我們來最佳化內文圖片效能!
加入客製化 <CustomImage/>
已複製!pnpm add image-size plaiceholder sharp unist-util-visit
允許 Next.js Image 使用 webp, avif 格式
修改 next.config.mjs
,加入 images 區塊:
已複製!import { withContentlayer } from "next-contentlayer"; /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */ const nextConfig = withContentlayer({ // ... // 加入 images 區塊 images: { // Enable modern image formats formats: ["image/avif", "image/webp"], }, }); export default nextConfig;
使用客製 imageMetadata rehype plugin,幫圖片加入長寬屬性和 LQIP
新增 src/plugins/imageMetadata.ts
已複製!// Custom rehype plugin to add width and height to local images // To make Next.js <Image/> works // Ref: https://kylepfromer.com/blog/nextjs-image-component-blog // Similiar structure to: // https://github.com/JS-DevTools/rehype-inline-svg/blob/master/src/inline-svg.ts import imageSize from "image-size"; import path from "path"; import { getPlaiceholder } from "plaiceholder"; import { Node, visit } from "unist-util-visit"; import { promisify } from "util"; const sizeOf = promisify(imageSize); /** * An `<img>` HAST node */ interface ImageNode extends Node { type: "element"; tagName: "img"; properties: { src: string; height?: number; width?: number; base64?: string; }; } /** * Determines whether the given HAST node is an `<img>` element. */ function isImageNode(node: Node): node is ImageNode { const img = node as ImageNode; return ( img.type === "element" && img.tagName === "img" && img.properties && typeof img.properties.src === "string" ); } /** * Filters out non absolute paths from the public folder. */ function filterImageNode(node: ImageNode): boolean { return node.properties.src.startsWith("/"); } /** * Adds the image's `height` and `width` to it's properties. */ async function addMetadata(node: ImageNode): Promise<void> { const res = await sizeOf( path.join(process.cwd(), "public", node.properties.src) ); if (!res) throw Error(`Invalid image with src "${node.properties.src}"`); const { base64 } = await getPlaiceholder(node.properties.src, { size: 10 }); // 10 is to increase detail (default is 4) node.properties.width = res.width; node.properties.height = res.height; node.properties.base64 = base64; } /** * This is a Rehype plugin that finds image `<img>` elements and adds the height and width to the properties. * Read more about Next.js image: https://nextjs.org/docs/api-reference/next/image#layout */ export default function imageMetadata() { return async function transformer(tree: Node): Promise<Node> { const imgNodes: ImageNode[] = []; visit(tree, "element", (node) => { if (isImageNode(node) && filterImageNode(node)) { imgNodes.push(node); } }); for (const node of imgNodes) { await addMetadata(node); } return tree; }; }
修改 contentlayer.config.ts
,套用上面寫的 imageMetadata rehype plugin:
已複製!import imageMetadata from "./src/plugins/imageMetadata"; // ... export default makeSource({ // ... mdx: { rehypePlugins: [ // ... imageMetadata, // For adding image metadata (width, height) ], }, });
新增 src/components/CustomImage.tsx
已複製!import Image, { ImageProps } from "next/image"; type Props = ImageProps & { base64?: string }; export default function CustomImage({ src, height, width, base64, alt, ...otherProps }: Props) { if (!src) return null; if (typeof src === "string" && (!height || !width)) { return ( // eslint-disable-next-line @next/next/no-img-element <img src={src} height={height} width={width} alt={alt} {...otherProps} /> ); } return ( <Image layout="responsive" src={src} alt={alt} height={height} width={width} sizes="(min-width: 40em) 40em, 100vw" placeholder={base64 ? "blur" : "empty"} blurDataURL={base64} {...otherProps} /> ); }
修改 src/lib/mdxComponents.ts
,讓 MDX 裡面的 img 都使用 CustomImage 來渲染:
已複製!import CustomImage from "@/components/CustomImage"; // ... // Custom components/renderers to pass to MDX. const mdxComponents = { // ... img: CustomImage, }; export default mdxComponents;
完成了!使用 pnpm dev
下一篇我們會來用另一個手段,最佳化讀者的體感換頁速度,使用 nprogress 加入換頁進度條!